What is “art?”

art: /ahrt/
1. the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.

Art is one of those relative terms, isn’t it? There are tons of meanings, so eventually you’re going to just confuse yourself if you don’t have just one meaning set in stone. For the purpose of this page, art is basically what you see in the city that leaves you in awe, inspires you, makes you think, and is otherwise weird and obscure. (For definitions on those last two words, consult your local dictionary or smart person.)

For those who want a more generalized meaning, here are a couple of things that I’ve personally seen in San Francisco that I would consider to be “weird” and “obscure,” and of course, “art”:

  • – murals and/or graffiti
  • – sculptures or statues
  • – wildly painted or decorated cars
  • – carvings in trees, sidewalks, the sand (like on the beach)
  • – topiaries, landscaping projects, etc.
  • – mozaics in the ground or buildings
  • – … and a whole lot of other stuff that I can’t begin to explain.
  • The possibilities are endless for what you can send in. It’s all up to you.

    One response to “What is “art?”

    1. I’m taking a poop while I work on my computer. . . . 😉 Take about “portable” har har har.

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